Thursday, 11 December 2014

Exams (December)

The dates of the exams are here.

1st year E.M: Monday 15th at 7:45 a.m.
2nd year E.M: Monday 15th at 7:45 a.m.
3rd year E.M: Monday 15th at 7:45 a.m.

2do año Biología: Lunes 15 a las 10:00 a.m.
3rd year Biology: Monday 15th at 10:00 a.m.

IMPORTANT: You should be at school,at least, 15 minutes earlier because the exam will start at the hour scheduled.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

1st - People absent to the test

Hello, everyone.

For some reason I can´t find Chiara´s email on my account.  And I want to talk to her so we can arrange a new date for the exam.

So, Chiara, if you see this, send me an email at

If someone else sees this, please let her know she should send me an email.

Thank you!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Make up test

Here is a guide of questions for the people who have to sit for a make-up test.

3rd year make-up test:  Monday 1st,  3rd hour (morning shift)

2nd year make-up test: Monday 1st,   2nd or 3rd hour (morning shift)

1st year make-up test: Monday 1st,    2nd or 3rd hour (morning shift)

Saturday, 15 November 2014

3rd - E.M. test

Just a reminder (in case there is any confusion).

The topics of the test are:

-Plate tectonics (pages 36-46)
-Rocks, Minerals and Mining (paes 2-18)
-Energy (pages 19-35, 55)

Saturday, 8 November 2014

2nd year - 1st term - Plate tectonics

Hello, Toby and Mili!

This post is especially for you (as you weren´t at Orange School during the first term)

First of all, here you can find a guide of questions related the topics of the first term: Plate tectonics

What´s more, here you have Powerpoint presentation about volcanoes  and an Example test.


Altough we have dealt with this topic in the second term, here you have a ppt about Impacts of mining.

Test (Biology -3rd)

Just to make sure you know where to get the information. Here you have the topics (with all the subtitles) and the web pages or pagesof the book where you can find the information


  • Stimuli and response ( definition of stimulus; types and examples of stimuli definition of response; example of responses definition of receptors; types and examples of receptors; definition of effector; examples of effectors)

Information at :
Nervous system - Bitesize information
Nervous system - Bitesize Activity Script
Nervous system - Bitesize information

  • Nervous system ( definition of neuron; functions of neurons; structure of a neuron; types of neurons; definition of synapse; definition of neurotransmitter, types of neurotransmitters; relation betwenn neurotransmitters and synapse; influence of drugs on the nervous system)

Information at:

  • Genetics ( definition of variation; examples of variation; definition of genes; definition of environment; definition of inheritance; definition of chromosomes; passing on genes; selective breeding; natual selection)

Information at: Science book (pages 44 to 53)


Friday, 10 October 2014

2do - Folletos

Hola, chicos!

Les cuento que hasta ahora solo recibí el folleto de los Fénix

Espero recibir el resto hoy mismo, como habíamos quedado.

De no ser así, sólo se presentará en la Feria el folleto de los Fénix.

Les recuerdo mis mails:

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Reproducción humana y pubertad


El aparato reproductor femenino

El aparato reproductor masculino

Sistema reproductor humano (infografía)

Folleto de 3 caras

¿Cómo crear un folleto de tres caras en Word?

1) Poner la página en forma horizontal
2) Crear tres columnas
3) Empezar a escribir en las tres columnas

Sino, acá hay otras formas.
Y acá tienen una plantilla hecha por mi. Plantilla folleto de 3 caras

Algunos ejemplos sacados de internet.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Some general reminders

Hello, everyone.

Here are some general reminders.

1) Everytime you send me an email remember to write in the Title
Orange-(Course:1st/2nd/3rd)-(Subject: E.M./Biology/Biología)-(House/Name)- (Title of the project)

For example: Orange-1st- E.M- Phoenix- Project 1: earthquakes word cloud

2) The files you send me should follow the same format.

3) My email address is
(In case you can not sen the email there because it fails, you can re-send it to

4) You should check the blog every week to see if there is any news. I would suggest that you do so one or two days before you have classes with me, so you know the latest news.

That´s all for now.

See you.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Actividad con nota

Hola, chicos.
Para el miércoles 10 tienen que tener la siguiente actividad resuelta.
En la clase, se harán preguntas sobre la misma (llamando por lista) y las respuestas llevarán nota (que influirá en la nota del segundo trimestre)

1) Enumerar las diferentes teorías que explican/explicaron el origen de la vida y explicarlas sintéticamente en no más de dos oraciones
2) ¿En qué consistía el experimentos de Miller y Urey? ¿Qué teoría pretendía probar? Explicar.
3) Mencionar y explicar qué criterios de clasificación se pueden usar para organizar la diversidad de células. Dar ejemplos en cada caso.
4) Elaborar un cuadro comparativo entre células procariotas  y eucariotas (incluyendo células vegetales y animales) Explicar la función de las estructuras y organelas que las diferencian.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Nervous system

Some extra information about the nervous system

Nervous system pictures

Mythbuster experiment

Nervous system and external chemicals

Nervous system and endocronical system

Nervous system:

Nervous system - Bitesize Activity
Nervous system - Bitesize Activity Script
Nervous system - Bitesize information


Trasmition of the electrical impulse:



Stimulus and Response

1) Watch the following video and answer the questions.

a- What is it about?
b- Make a list of all the diferent types of organisms in the video
c- Make a chart including the diferent stimuli and responses.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Thursday, 14 August 2014

ESSARP Science Fair 2014


During these past months you have done an excellent work in your project, which was shown in the fair.

As a reminder or your hard work, you got two mentions:
1)for Scope and practical application of the project
2) for Interdisciplinary work

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Células - 14/8

Imagen tomada de

Imagen tomada de

Monday, 4 August 2014

ESSARP FAIR final report


ESSARP Science Fair - 1st year

Hello everyone!

On Tuesday 12th August, the ESSARP Science Fair 2014 will take place and we are going to participate.

What is ESSARP?

ESSARP means The English Speaking Scholastic Association of the River Plate. And our school is an affilated school of ESSARP.

What proyect are we going to present?

Title: Reusing materials to reduce our footprint
Introduction: The students at Orange Day School have been working on an ecological and solidary project that involves making toys and school objects with reused materials to donate.
Purpose of the work: The objective of this work is to design and make toys and school objects with reused materials in order to reduce our ecological footprint. The production of the toys is also included as part of a solidary activity as this objects will be donated.

What is 1st year going to do in this proyect?

Third and second year have been working on this proyect and have make very nice toys and musical instruments for kids.
You (1st year) are going to prepare two different elements next Wednesday. One group will make the pencil case with the bottle (as mine). Another group will prepare a survey with questions that will be asked during the fair (about reusing materials and the ecological footprint)

Why should you go?

You should go because:
- you will be able to see what other schools have been working on
- you will be able to learn very interesting things about science
- you will have you first contact with a science fair
- you will represent your course and school.

For more reasons, ask students in 2nd and 3rd year.

Who is going?

Unfortunatly, not everyone can go. We have to choose 4 people from 1st year. You are going to choose the people who is going through your vote. Each one will name 4 people and the 4 people with more votes will be pre-selected. Pre-selected canditates will be considered by Vanesa and me to go, taking into account their behavior, language skills and marks.

To choose, you shoul considere:
a- that  the students chosen will represent you, tjhe course and the schoo
b- that the students chosen will have to comunicate in English

Where to vote?

IMPORTANT: You have to vote today. Otherwise, your vote won´t be taken into account.


Leave a comment or send and email

Science Fair - 2nd year

Hello everyone!

Here you have the form to choose three people to represent you in the Science Fair.

1) To choose, you should consider:
a- who has been there before and who hasn´t
b- that the students choosen will represent you, the course and the school
c- that the students choosen will explain the proyect in English

2) Vanesa and I will have the final decision on who is going to the fair.

Impacts of mining

Here you have a power point about the impacts of mining.
See you.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Noche de observación: MARTE, SATURNO y LA LUNA!

Hola, chicos!
En estos días, se podrá observar a los luceros (Marte y Saturno) "cerquita" de la Luna.
Les dejo la información del Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba y de la página web Sur Astronómico.
Hoy la noche está nublada, pero cuentenme si alguno lo pudo o puede ver en estos días.


Noche de observación: MARTE, SATURNO y LA LUNA!

Luego de la puesta del Sol, si el tiempo nos acompaña, hoy domingo podremos observar a la Luna, Saturno y Marte recorriendo juntos el cielo nocturno .

La Luna se situará a 6.2º de Marte y a 6º de Saturno, casi alineada entre ambos planetas.
(No me deja copiar la imagen, pero recomiendo que entren a este link)

La Luna, Spica, Marte y Saturno

Durante los primeros días de Agosto y mientras la Luna crece en fase, pasará por las cercanías de la estrella Spica y los planetas Marte y Saturno.
  • 2/08 - Con una fase del 40% la Luna estará localizada a 4.5º de Spica y 6.7º de Marte (magnitud +0.4)
  • 3/08 - Luna en fase creciente (50%), localizada a 6.2º de Marte y 6º de Saturno, casi alineada entre ambos planetas.
  • 04/08 - Llegando a una fase del 60%, la Luna estará ubicada a 7º de Saturno.
Texto original aquí.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Células - Juego Kokori

Hola, chicos!

¿Cómo van las vacaciones?
Espero que muy bien.

Preparando unas cosas para empezar las clases, me acorde que con 2do no pudimos usar el juego Kokori en clase. Igual, están todos invitados a usarlo.
Les dejo el link por si alguno lo quiere bajar y jugar. (Si solo es para jugar, baje en juego. Pero también tienen la opción de bajar el navegador para investigar un poco la célula)
Kokori - Navegador de célula online

¡Qué terminen bien las vacaciones!

¡Nos vemos la semana que viene!


Monday, 7 July 2014

3rd year

Hello, 3rd year!

Here you have the activities for Monday and Tuesday.

Environmental Manangement - Monday 7th July

Biology - Tuesday 8th July

If you have any doubt, you can send me an email to

See you!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

World Environment Day - 5th June

According to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) webpage, the "(...) World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment (...)".

Following this concept, this year the 3rd year students are designing toys, which will be made with recycled and reused materials. This activity will be done as part of an solidary institutional project, which will involve grades from the primary too.

They´ve been working in this activity for two weeks and they´ve had some great ideas, such as a dancing doll, a story book with audio and puppets.

Here is a webpage where you can find more ideas.

Hope we see the toys made very soon!

Ps: We are part of the activities for this WED and here you can check our activity mentioned.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

2do - Biología - Mapas sinópticos, conceptuales, ect

Hola, chicos!

Les dejo un par de links que les pueden ser de utilidad.

Centro 0:
Subrayado de ideas principales y secundarias
Palabras claves

Centro 2:
Armado de resúmenes a partir de las ideas principales y secundarias

Centro 3:
Cuadros sinopticos

Mapa conceptual

Mapa mental

Centro 4:
Ping pong de preguntas y respuestas:

Saturday, 24 May 2014

3rd year - E.M. - Test

Hello, everyone!
Here are the Powerpoint presentation about volcanoes and the Example test.
Remeber that not all the topics you are going to be tested on are in this example.

See you on Monday,

Monday, 12 May 2014

3rd - Biology - Guide of questions

Hello, everyone!

This a guide of questions that should help you know if you are in the right way to the test.
If you are able to answer all of them, you´ll probably get an excellent mark.

Guide of questions

You must answer, at least, 10 questions and send them by email to for next monday. If you want them to be corrected, you should send your answers before thursday.
The answers should be done in houses.

Remember that if you don´t hand in the exercises of the Science workbook, there will be an extra exercise in your test related to pages 12-19 of the Science coursebook.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

3ro E.M. - Reminder

Hello, 3rd year!

As some people has asked me what you should do for next week, there is a reminder here.

12th May: Project deadline 
You should present your poster (at school) and send the written part (by email)

26th May: Test
- Structure of the Earth
- Density
- Density related to the structure of the Earth
- Plate tectonics (and Types of boundaries)
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Types of rocks

2do Biología - Árbol Filogenético

Unas imágenes para ayudarse con los árboles filogenéticos.

Árbol filogenético

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Environmental Management

Concept cloud about the Lithosphere

1st year - E.M - Concept Cloud


Here is a webpage to make the concept cloud:

How to use it?