Thursday, 29 May 2014

2do - Biología - Mapas sinópticos, conceptuales, ect

Hola, chicos!

Les dejo un par de links que les pueden ser de utilidad.

Centro 0:
Subrayado de ideas principales y secundarias
Palabras claves

Centro 2:
Armado de resúmenes a partir de las ideas principales y secundarias

Centro 3:
Cuadros sinopticos

Mapa conceptual

Mapa mental

Centro 4:
Ping pong de preguntas y respuestas:

Saturday, 24 May 2014

3rd year - E.M. - Test

Hello, everyone!
Here are the Powerpoint presentation about volcanoes and the Example test.
Remeber that not all the topics you are going to be tested on are in this example.

See you on Monday,

Monday, 12 May 2014

3rd - Biology - Guide of questions

Hello, everyone!

This a guide of questions that should help you know if you are in the right way to the test.
If you are able to answer all of them, you´ll probably get an excellent mark.

Guide of questions

You must answer, at least, 10 questions and send them by email to for next monday. If you want them to be corrected, you should send your answers before thursday.
The answers should be done in houses.

Remember that if you don´t hand in the exercises of the Science workbook, there will be an extra exercise in your test related to pages 12-19 of the Science coursebook.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

3ro E.M. - Reminder

Hello, 3rd year!

As some people has asked me what you should do for next week, there is a reminder here.

12th May: Project deadline 
You should present your poster (at school) and send the written part (by email)

26th May: Test
- Structure of the Earth
- Density
- Density related to the structure of the Earth
- Plate tectonics (and Types of boundaries)
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Types of rocks

2do Biología - Árbol Filogenético

Unas imágenes para ayudarse con los árboles filogenéticos.

Árbol filogenético

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Environmental Management

Concept cloud about the Lithosphere

1st year - E.M - Concept Cloud


Here is a webpage to make the concept cloud:

How to use it?